Sunday, August 19, 2007

Consulting, various locations, abroad

I have just returned from a series of consulting field-trips for the Munschk Centre Du Recherche Comprimée Avançée De Carbone. Exploring a range of geothermal and polaric options in both hot and cold places. I was commissioned to do this research and to run my usual kinds of operations that I am no longer authorised to discuss. By Bernard Trier who is the chairperson of Munschk Centre Du Recherche Comprimée Avançée De Carbone and also affiliated to a non-specific global intelligence agency. The results were almost instantaneous and mostly positive although there was some flooding and eruptions as you can see.

Logistically in the field we usually have a Huey and a team of four, including an agency marksman for a number of reasons.
For some of the time we stayed at this very atmospheric hotel in Martinique

Myself towards the end of the stay at Ice Station Zebra

Some unfortunate flooding in our 'weather reorientation programme'

Some target zones

Some target zones - including mule

Our starting point on the banks of the Orizonicio River

The head quarters of the Munschk Centre Du Recherche Comprimée Avançée De Carbone

Bernard Trier who is the chairperson of Munschk Centre Du Recherche Comprimée Avançée De Carbone

Some unfortunate geothermal eruptions

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